Friday, March 18, 2016

Don't Hit Yourself Over the Head With Your Gift

A wise counselor once said to me, "You can't love someone and worry about them at the same time."

Well, I was quite disturbed by this assertion because I had always been a worrier. And yet I ADORED the people I worried about. Right?

I was bred to worry. My mom was a worrier. Worry penetrated my childhood. Money worries, health worries, grade worries, worries about my parents' marriage, worries about what other people thought.

You worried the MOST about the people you loved!

It took me some time to understand what my counselor was trying to communicate. Love is a VERB. While I can generally love someone, my daughter for example, I am not in the act of loving her when I am worrying ABOUT her.

This is not a subtle difference, for our time and energy are precious and every thought has a vibration with a consequence. When I worry about someone, I am thinking thoughts that are negative and rooted in fear. The vibration of fear is put out to the universe. Ripple, ripple, ripple.

If, however, I observe my thoughts and, noticing I am focusing on what may or can go "wrong," decide to instead visualize things going "right," this is the ripple, ripple, ripple, containing the vibration of positivity and love. More challenging sometimes than it may seem.

You have probably heard the quote, "Worry is a misuse of the imagination," by Dan Zadra. A friend of mine says worrying is like "hitting yourself over the head with your gift."

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Our thoughts have power. Our visualizations have power! Imagine what we could create if each time we had a worrisome thought, we caught ourselves and instead sent love to the object of our worry, ourselves included. I am fascinated by the miracles that result EVERY TIME I do this.

Another friend once told me, "Thoughts are prayers."

What do YOU want to pray for?

Thanks for reading. Have a beautiful weekend!


  1. Well said. I like the part about vibration, choosing to make it positive or negative ripples. Worry. Isn't it fear. Fear is believing that soemthing bad will happen. So, doesn't our belief about ourselves, others and the cosmos determine our emotion around it. If everything int he cosmos is as it should be, and everyone is here to learn lessons, and while it may be hard to watch or experience the lesson learning, it is all right in the world? My daughter going to court, to fend off trumped up alligations from her this not a wonderful opportunity for her to learn the lessons she needs to, about herself and others? How to stand up for herself? And maybe in those difficult to understand the lesson type lesson, maybe it is Karma, which last I heard is all about lessons. If we are worrying about others, I mean severely worrying, then we must not have much faith in their abilities, and if falling seems imminent, then shouldn't we believe they can stand back up? I could go on but you get the point.

  2. Hey Richard!
    Thank you for responding to this post. I didn’t even realize my Blog was working because it doesn’t work on a desktop. Only via phone can it function and I haven’t been able to find someone who can fix it. It’s left me stymied, but I am building a new website, which I hope to launch soon and resume writing! I hope everything worked out OK for your daughter. That she learned some good lessons and won’t have to repeat them. 😉♥️
